Starry Night 2.1 (Deluxe)
Starry Night Deluxe Version 2.1 (Sienna Software)(1998).iso
Asteroid Info
Dangerous asteroids
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The Asteroids in this file could pose a threat to the earth in the distant future.
Their orbits come near earths orbit, and the possibilty for collision is real for
times in the distant future.
The numbers are all in the proper format for easy use in Starry Night's orbit editor.
Just click on the word Sun in the planet floater and then click on add. See the manual for
more information on the orbit editor.
Num Name Magnitude Dist. Ecc. Incl(i) Node Pericen Anomaly Epoch
17.5 1.336 0.306 17.2 116.8 133.7 280.19 2450480.5 1997 BR 1997 01 20 327 BAO Schmidt CCD Asteroid Program
18 1.745 0.478 11 50.4 147.2 328.37 2450460.5 1997 BQ 1997 01 16 381 T. Hasegawa
17.5 2.218 0.559 5.6 307.3 49 70.99 2450460.5 1997 AE12 1997 01 10 691 Spacewatch
17 2.428 0.797 2 198.3 283.4 344.47 2450400.5 1996 SK 1996 09 17 566 JPL/NEAT
18.5 2 0.605 3.6 158.5 299.9 343.1 2450400.5 1996 RG3 1996 09 14 691 Spacewatch
21 2.56 0.7 22.1 58.8 245.6 32.63 2450400.5 1996 JA1 1996 05 14 693 T. B. Spahr
19.5 1.815 0.663 5.3 53.3 279.7 49.55 2450400.5 1996 JG 1996 05 08 413 R. H. McNaught
18.5 1.642 0.383 3.4 73.5 318.9 249.6 2450400.5 1996 GT 1996 04 11 691 Spacewatch
20.5 1.443 0.29 5.8 333.7 162.5 162.68 2450400.5 1996 FO3 1996 03 24 413 G. J. Garradd
18.5 1.054 0.35 2 300.5 23.4 104.16 2450400.5 1996 FG3 1996 03 24 413 R. H. McNaught
19 1.341 0.401 21.6 356.6 64.5 222.93 2450400.5 1996 EO 1996 03 15 566 JPL/NEAT
16.5 1.507 0.431 38 164.3 125.1 53.04 2450400.5 1996 EN 1996 03 15 566 JPL/NEAT
19.5 1.527 0.517 4.7 117.9 228.6 49.42 2450100.5 1996 AW1 1996 01 14 691 Spacewatch
20.5 1.308 0.781 2.5 91.2 238.1 58.47 2450100.5 1996 AJ1 1996 01 12 691 Spacewatch
20.5 1.7 0.827 3.6 107.8 108.6 330.98 2450080.5 1995 YR1 1995 12 20 691 Spacewatch
17.5 2.441 0.647 20.4 172 50.9 160.88 2450400.5 1995 SA 1995 09 17 691 Spacewatch
21.5 0.906 0.868 4 343 322.1 311.07 2450400.5 1995 CR 1995 02 03 691 Spacewatch
20.5 0.671 0.526 28.2 252.7 356.5 23.88 2450400.5 1994 XL1 1994 12 06 413 R. H. McNaught
19 2.359 0.729 4.3 97.6 247.8 21.46 2449700.5 1994 XD 1994 12 01 691 Spacewatch
22 0.754 0.405 7.1 63.1 205.7 128.44 2450400.5 1994 WR12 1994 11 28 675 C. S. Shoemaker
21 1.226 0.246 4.5 12.4 225.9 131.78 2449640.5 1994 UG 1994 10 28 691 Spacewatch
19 2.267 0.602 4.7 346.1 284.4 249.12 2450400.5 1994 RC 1994 09 01 675 E. F. Helin
17 1.346 0.328 33.5 118 47.5 291.88 2450400.5 1994 PC1 1994 08 09 413 R. H. McNaught
17.5 1.479 0.753 18 140 303.4 61.34 2450400.5 1994 PM 1994 08 01 675 C. S. Shoemaker
20 2.036 0.605 27.5 105 246.2 276.32 2450400.5 1994 NE 1994 07 04 675 E. F. Helin, K. J. Lawrence
20 2.144 0.64 6 334.7 97.3 24.38 2449420.5 1994 EK 1994 03 07 691 Spacewatch
16.5 1.573 0.395 1.4 99.4 248.1 285.2 2450400.5 1994 CN2 1994 02 15 691 Spacewatch
21.5 1.49 0.326 2.3 172.4 64.9 293.77 2449380.5 1994 CJ1 1994 02 10 691 Spacewatch
18 1.637 0.417 4.6 268.9 24.6 345.93 2450400.5 1994 CC 1994 02 03 691 Spacewatch
17.5 1.105 0.075 24.1 290.5 37.1 298.36 2450400.5 1994 AW1 1994 01 11 675 K. J. Lawrence, E. F. Helin
21.5 0.877 0.549 2.1 3 253.5 107.85 2449300.5 1993 VD 1993 11 09 691 Spacewatch
19.5 1.91 0.52 5.1 145.9 322.7 28.77 2450400.5 1993 VB 1993 11 06 413 R. H. McNaught
19 1.234 0.311 12.8 54.5 293.6 118.05 2450400.5 1993 KH 1993 05 24 413 R. H. McNaught
5693 17 1.272 0.585 5.1 97.2 258.6 29.29 2450400.5 1993 EA 1993 03 03 691 Spacewatch
16.5 2.037 0.492 10 313.8 344.6 347.81 2450400.5 1993 DQ1 1993 02 26 691 Spacewatch
20.5 1.395 0.281 2.8 175.7 289.8 121.82 2450400.5 1993 BX3 1993 01 31 413 R. H. McNaught
17.5 2.655 0.62 2.8 309.2 37.3 347.92 2450400.5 1992 UY4 1992 10 25 675 C. S. Shoemaker
5604 16.4 0.927 0.405 4.8 312.2 82.3 177.05 2450400.5 1992 FE 1992 03 26 413 R. H. McNaught
17 1.137 0.144 13.9 139.5 207.1 87.84 2450400.5 1991 VH 1991 11 09 413 R. H. McNaught
19 1.45 0.484 19.5 359.6 68.7 320.08 2448500.5 1991 RB 1991 09 04 413 R. H. McNaught
6489 Golevka 19.2 2.517 0.599 2.3 212.5 64.9 125.18 2450400.5 1991 JX 1991 05 10 675 E. F. Helin
19.5 1.038 0.118 8.7 54.1 301.8 315.46 2450400.5 1991 JW 1991 05 08 675 K. J. Lawrence, E. F. Helin
19 1.956 0.661 9.7 25 88.6 20.24 2448360.5 1991 GO 1991 04 11 400 K. Endate, K. Watanabe
17.5 2.247 0.624 9.8 169.1 115.1 206.37 2450400.5 1991 EE 1991 03 13 691 Spacewatch
19 1.427 0.363 11.2 180.3 63.1 76.76 2450400.5 1991 DG 1991 02 20 413 R. H. McNaught
17.5 1.123 0.165 37.1 156.9 249.4 11.96 2450400.5 1991 CS 1991 02 13 413 R. H. McNaught
20 1.443 0.398 3.4 269.4 80.3 92.86 2448280.5 1991 BN 1991 01 19 691 Spacewatch
17 2.222 0.777 3.2 342.7 239.7 257.21 2450400.5 1991 AQ 1991 01 14 675 E. F. Helin
5189 17.3 1.551 0.478 3.6 135.4 159.5 94.93 2450400.5 1990 UQ 1990 10 20 413 R. H. McNaught
19.5 1.721 0.553 1 102.5 204.2 22.7 2448180.5 1990 UA 1990 10 16 675 E. F. Helin
16.5 2.125 0.771 11.5 138.1 105.7 18.03 2448160.5 1990 SM 1990 09 22 413 R. H. McNaught, P. McKenzie
20 1.672 0.46 1.1 348.4 19.6 336.96 2448100.5 1990 OS 1990 07 21 675 E. F. Helin
4953 14.1 1.621 0.657 24.4 78.1 77.4 94.47 2450400.5 1990 MU 1990 06 23 413 R. H. McNaught
18.5 1.747 0.456 1.9 210.7 113.8 256.49 2450400.5 1990 MF 1990 06 26 675 E. F. Helin
16 2.575 0.695 3.9 184.9 308 224.11 2450400.5 1990 HA 1990 04 17 046 A. Mrkos
20 1.865 0.461 2.1 38.9 329.6 12.69 2447840.5 1989 VB 1989 11 01 413 Q. A. Parker
18 1.08 0.356 10.3 234.6 289.3 5.1 2450400.5 1989 UR 1989 10 28 675 J. Mueller, D. Mendenhall
19 0.915 0.265 1.3 178.4 14.9 228.57 2450400.5 1989 UQ 1989 10 26 010 C. Pollas
20.5 1.865 0.472 3.9 53.4 17.4 265.2 2450400.5 1989 UP 1989 10 27 691 D. L. Rabinowitz, J. V. Scotti
6239 Minos 17.9 1.151 0.413 3.9 344.9 239.5 8.93 2450400.5 1989 QF 1989 08 31 675 C. S. Shoemaker, E. M. Shoemaker
4769 Castalia 16.9 1.063 0.483 8.9 325.7 121.2 154.01 2450400.5 1989 PB 1989 08 09 675 E. F. Helin
7335 17 1.771 0.484 15.2 61.6 231.8 43.1 2450400.5 1989 JA 1989 05 01 675 E. F. Helin
4581 Asclepius 20.4 1.023 0.357 4.9 180.5 255 206.48 2450400.5 1989 FC 1989 03 31 675 H. E. Holt, N. G. Thomas
18 2.163 0.544 6.5 349.5 139.1 159.84 2450400.5 1989 DA 1989 02 27 675 J. Phinney
4179 Toutatis 15.3 2.516 0.634 0.5 128.6 274.5 0.48 2450400.5 1989 AC 1989 01 04 010 C. Pollas
17.5 1.467 0.482 3.1 73.6 279.9 201.39 2450400.5 1988 XB 1988 12 05 888 Y. Oshima
21 1.541 0.479 2.5 195.2 104.5 112.73 2450400.5 1988 TA 1988 10 05 675 J. Mueller, J. Phinney
6037 18.7 1.269 0.499 3.5 182.9 241.5 72.31 2450400.5 1988 EG 1988 03 12 675 J. Alu
4450 Pan 17.2 1.442 0.587 5.5 312.3 291.4 147.15 2450400.5 1987 SY 1987 09 25 675 C. S. Shoemaker, E. M. Shoemaker
4486 Mithra 15.6 2.201 0.663 3 82.5 168.6 319.48 2450400.5 1987 SB 1987 09 22 071 E. W. Elst, V. Shkodrov
4034 18.1 1.06 0.444 11.2 158.1 296.5 43.94 2450400.5 1986 PA 1986 08 02 675 E. F. Helin
19 2.797 0.681 2.1 62.7 232.6 78.13 2450400.5 1986 JK 1986 05 05 675 C. S. Shoemaker
3362 Khufu 18.3 0.989 0.469 9.9 152.7 54.9 226.42 2450400.5 1984 QA 1984 08 30 675 R. S. Dunbar, M. A. Barucci
3671 Dionysus 16.3 2.195 0.543 13.6 82.4 203.7 287.07 2450400.5 1984 KD 1984 05 27 675 C. S. Shoemaker, E. M. Shoemaker
3200 Phaethon 14.6 1.271 0.89 22.1 265.6 321.8 75.64 2450400.5 1983 TB 1983 10 11 500 IRAS
19 2.632 0.709 1.5 159.7 184.8 8.93 2445600.5 1983 LC 1983 06 13 675 E. F. Helin, R. S. Dunbar
3757 18.95 1.836 0.446 3.9 75.1 16.9 208.86 2450400.5 1982 XB 1982 12 14 675 E. F. Helin
3361 Orpheus 19.03 1.209 0.323 2.7 189.8 301.6 28.31 2450400.5 1982 HR 1982 04 24 805 C. Torres
4660 Nereus 18.2 1.489 0.361 1.4 314.8 157.9 56.29 2450400.5 1982 DB 1982 02 28 675 E. F. Helin
19 2.262 0.713 24.9 86 75.5 346.38 2444220.5 1979 XB 1979 12 11 413 K. S. Russell
4015 Wilson-Harrington 15.99 2.643 0.622 2.8 271 90.9 354.65 2450400.5 1979 VA 1979 11 15 675 E. F. Helin
18 1.125 0.215 26.1 161.4 102.1 82.73 2444200.5 1978 CA 1978 02 08 809 H.-E. Schuster
2135 Aristaeus 17.94 1.6 0.503 23 191.4 290.7 273.3 2450400.5 1977 HA 1977 04 17 675 E. F. Helin
2340 Hathor 19.2 0.844 0.45 5.8 211.7 39.8 46.18 2450400.5 1976 UA 1976 10 22 675 C. T. Kowal
2102 Tantalus 16.2 1.29 0.299 64 94.4 61.6 56.81 2450400.5 1975 YA 1975 12 27 675 C. T. Kowal
1981 Midas 15.5 1.776 0.65 39.8 357.1 267.7 331.66 2450400.5 1973 EA 1973 03 06 675 C. T. Kowal
5011 Ptah 17.1 1.635 0.5 7.4 11 105.4 47.87 2450400.5 6743 P-L 1960 09 24 675 C. J. van Houten, I. van Houten-Groeneveld, T. Gehrels
21.6 2.619 0.641 4.6 185 232.6 348.99 2437200.5 6344 P-L 1960 09 24 675 C. J. van Houten, I. van Houten-Groeneveld, T. Gehrels
4183 Cuno 14.4 1.98 0.637 6.8 295.9 235.1 174.06 2450400.5 1959 LM 1959 06 05 074 C. Hoffmeister
19 0.777 0.345 3.9 191 57.3 192.39 2435080.5 1954 XA 1954 12 05 675 G. Abell
1620 Geographos 15.6 1.246 0.335 13.3 337.4 276.8 256.97 2450400.5 1951 RA 1951 09 14 675 A. G. Wilson, R. Minkowski
1566 Icarus 16.9 1.078 0.827 22.9 88.1 31.2 178.43 2450400.5 1949 MA 1949 06 27 675 W. Baade
2201 Oljato 15.25 2.176 0.711 2.5 76.9 95.9 78.55 2450400.5 1947 XC 1947 12 12 690 H. L. Giclas
Hermes) 18 1.639 0.624 6.2 36 90.7 335.61 2428834.5 1937 UB 1937 10 28 024 K. Reinmuth
2101 Adonis 18.7 1.874 0.765 1.4 350.7 42.3 273.31 2450400.5 1936 CA 1936 02 12 012 E. Delporte
1862 Apollo 16.25 1.471 0.56 6.4 35.9 285.6 15.78 2450400.5 1932 HA 1932 04 24 024 K. Reinmuth